Have you given up your wheels or just need a ride? Maybe you don’t like to drive in the winter or when it’s dark. Transportation options for adults 60+ in Grand Forks offered by the city include Senior Rider and the City Bus. Other commercial options such as taxis, Uber, and Lyft are also available. Disclaimer: The Grand Forks Senior Center does not endorse any of these commercial options, which may or may not provide background checks on employees, rather they are mentioned just for the sake of information.
Senior Rider
While the Grand Forks Senior Center does not provide transportation, there is door-to-door transportation available through the Cities Area Transit 'Senior Rider' program. Service is available to people 62 years and older. An application must be completed for Senior Rider before using this service. Please allow one week for application processing. Reservations for rides must be made one business day in advance by calling 701-787-9120. The cost of the Senior Rider service is $3.00 for a one-way ride. If you are a person with a low income, fare assistance may be available through an application process working with a Grand Forks Senior Center Resource coordinator (see 'Transportation Fare Assistance' below.)
Transportation Fare Assistance
Transportation Fare Assistance for Senior Rider is available for older adults who are lower income and who live in Grand Forks. The Grand Forks Senior Center Resource coordinators are happy to assist with a short application. If you qualify, you are able to buy half-price Senior Rider tickets (10 one-way rides on a ticket) each month at the front desk at the Grand Forks Senior Center.
To make an appointment with a Resource coordinator, please call 701-772-7245 and ask for Resources.
Transportation to Fargo
Walsh County Transport provides a bus to Fargo: The 2nd Monday of each month for Doctor’s appointments and the 4th Monday of each month for shopping. It is $15 round trip. The bus departs at 9 am from the I-29 South Truck Stop (Flying J) in Grand Forks and leaves Fargo at 3 pm to come back.
Call 701-284-7980 by Noon the Friday before for reservations.
AARP Driver's Safety Course
In-person driver’s safety classes take place at the Grand Forks Senior Center every other month on the 1st Wednesday of each month.
People are able to attend the course online at Questions?
Call 800-350-7025 or email