The Grand Forks Senior Center’s scheduled activities can be found at the Daily Calendar.

Bingo and Other Games


Always a classic, Bingo is a popular activity at the Grand Forks Senior Center. The price of a bingo card is $2.00 and that allows a person to play 15 regular games and two jackpot games. After these games, people can buy more cards for the same price and play an additional four games with an 80 percent pay out. Bingo at the Grand Forks Senior Center is available to people 18 and older, according to state gaming laws.

Wednesdays at 1 pm
Thursdays at 1 pm

Grand Forks Senior Center Auditorium/Dining Room.


First and Third Thursday of each month at 1 pm

Bunco is a dice game with players divided into groups of four, trying to score points while taking turns rolling three dice in a series of six rounds. A bunco is achieved when a person rolls three-of-a-kind and all three numbers match the round number which is decided at the beginning of the round. Cost to play is $2.

Grand Forks Senior Center Activity Room


Mondays at 1 pm

One of the games our dominoes players play frequently is Mexican Train. In Mexican Train dominoes, players aim to get rid of all their dominoes by matching ends, with a shared "Mexican Train" and individual trains, and the player with the lowest score at the end of a predetermined number of rounds wins.

Grand Forks Senior Center Library


Tuesdays at 1 pm

Farkle is a dice game where players roll six dice, score points for certain combinations, and decide whether to keep rolling for more points or bank their current score, with the risk of "farkling" (losing all points in a turn) if they roll without scoring. 

Grand Forks Senior Activity Room


What would a senior center be without cards? This group, while a nice size group, is always looking for new people with which to hustle, urr, I mean play cards.

Pinochle Mondays and Wednesdays at 1 pm

Grand Forks Senior Center Activity Room

Pool (Billiards)

All Day, Everyday

If you are looking for people to play pool with, our Billiard Buddies group meets on Fridays at 10 am!

Located in the Lower Level of the Grand Forks Senior Center, you can bring your own cue or use one of ours.

Wii Bowling League

Wednesdays starting at 10 am (except the 1st Wednesday of the month)

Grand Forks Senior Center Activity Room